“Dr. in electrical engineering” from “Milan Polytechnic Institute”; more than 50 years in the energy sector in more than 50 countries. Direct participation in energy studies/projects, including those for the largest and most important electrical power systems in the world .
He has been deeply involved in the preliminary studies/task forces for the liberalization of the electrical market in Italy and also for the Irish transmission system.
In the power generation area he has conducted various studies for the development /connection to the electrical system of all the types of plants (including nuclear and cogeneration ones) with technical/economical analyses and evaluations of cost of fuel,CO2 emissions and environmental impacts ;various involvement in studies of impacts of volatile renewables with conventional fleets and in gas versus electricity transmission projects.
Deep experience in energy efficiency policies ,in development and integration of RES and in planning ,design and operation of distribution systems.
In the OHTL(Over Head Transmission Line) area he has developed /studied /built compact lines and special upgrading of existing transmission lines corridors. At IEEE in 1990 he has introduced the concept of transformation of AC to DC lines for substantial power upgradings.He has contributed to the development of regulation for merchant lines and has taken / is taking active part in planning and development of the largest AC and DC electrical systems worldwide such as the Chinese AC 1050 kV and the DC +/- 800 kV ones. He has performed a series of feasibility studies/basic designs relevant to bulk /long transmission systems both overhead and under sea from large plants with cheap kWh production cost and analyses relevant to feeding isolated areas (minigrids).
Director of CESI (Italy);Executive Vice President of GE Contracting Company SADE-Sadelmi; Managing Director “ABB Power Systems Italy” ;President Italian ABB R&D Center and Executive VP Business Dev. & Technology of ABB Italy . Since January 2002 he is acting as Energy and Power System Consultant and among the others he has been Senior Corporate Advisor of ABB Italy CEO and since 2012 of CESI CEO.
Important positions in international cultural/scientific associations (WEC ,Fellow of IEEE, IEE, CIGRE, etc.).He has been Chairman of CIGRE WG’S, Director of WEC Task Force on Interconnections, Chairman of WEC Study Group “Energy Resources and Technologies” and of the Task Forces relevant to Nuclerar before and after Fukushima;he has been appointed in 2014 as Chairman of WEC Study Group“RES Integration in Power Systems”.
In Italy he is Honorary Chairman of the Italian WEC Committee and of the Federation of Scientific Associations(FAST) ,Vice President of the IEC Italian Committee and Past President of the Italian Electrical Association and past Vice president for energy of ANIE(Association of Italian Electromechanical Industries) .Within Italian Federation of Industrial Associations (Confindustria),he was Vice Chairman of the Energy Commission and Chairman of the Task-Force on “Energy Efficiency” and of the one relevant to the Italian Nuclear plan cancelled by referendum ;he has been active member of all the other WG’s dealing with energy .
He is author/co-author of more than 350 papers in the energy field.
Senior Corporate Advisor at CESI S.p.A., Italy